New City of Research & Innovation, Almaty (KZ)

The Kazakh economy, historically focussed on the exploitation of vast reserves of fossil fuels (oil and gas), minerals and raw materials, thanks to a long-sighted policy of planning for the future has begun a process of diversification aimed at the development of other strategic sectors such as transport, pharmaceuticals, telecommunications and food.

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Within this context sits this scheme for a new urban district for research and innovation, planned in an area of about 590 hectares to the east of Almaty, a short distance from the international airport and near to the ALATAU Technopark and the Special Economic Zone “Park of Innovative Technologies”.

An urban area of modern conception, a specific and ideal setting able to attract and inspire students, researchers, families and young entrepreneurs; an active and dynamic place in which to learn, carry out research and find all services and conditions for implementing ideas, projects and visions; a multifaceted and multi-confessional social context whose common denominators are forward-thinking and the desire to make a tangible contribution to the development of the country. All in a physical and environmental setting of high-quality in which the principles of eco-sustainability and healthy living constitute essential drivers and key levers.

From the point of view of planning and design the scheme is based on the following principles:

  • restricted density (medium index 0.6 mq/mq)
  • green infrastructure (network of green routes and linear parks to stitch together the entire system)
  • themes given to areas but not exclusive specialisation
  • sustainable mobility
  • quality architecture and a well-designed and welcoming urban landscape
  • widespread presence of adjacent open spaces with facilities
  • rational distribution of services
  • exploiting maximum real-estate potential for each sector.


Tanri Development – Otrar Group


Almaty (KZ)


Plot area = 588 ha
Built area = 3.350.000 sqm




2015, Preliminary design